
let me walk you home

and then you can walk me home, and then I guess we'll just go back and forth

we can linger in the doorways,

stretch the time we have together


it's all we have to give that is truly worth anything

there is gravity in every body,

it pulls us towards each other

the moon and sea

my hands ache when I’m lonely

I think it's because

I was made for presence

so I seek God in the pines, in cathedral spires, and in my friends

this is where I find him

sacred spaces,

holy presence bleeding through the ordinary

incense and candle smoke curl upwards,

filling air and lungs,


light filters through stained glass

through leaves of trees

I am not alone, we are not alone

life is just us walking each other home

i’m getting older, and that is scary

life goes on, time slips away

i try to reconcile who i am now

to the barefoot girl that climbed trees in the cicada summers

is this truly the same body?

change - what an unraveling thing. or maybe it’s an unfolding and i’ve been here all along. i hope i stay tethered, rooted, moored, grounded, anchored. otherwise, the earth will spin too fast and i’ll be flung off.

i wonder if the butterfly ever missed being a caterpillar, i wonder if it knew what was happening while it slept in the chrysalis. or did it just wake up one day and have wings.


open curtains, begin scene