a poem or prayer
Sap and glitter on my hands
(I was decorating the tackhouse for Christmas, mother, it’s quite cozy)
Oh the joys of living
Light dancing through the trees
(When it snowed and you're hiking and the sky is clear and the sun is almost set)
Oranges and yellows against the whites and grays
What is this life
I am a creature made of flesh and bone
(so many bruises)
Briefly breathing on this tilting earth
(have you ever really thought about it)
And yet i feel and i think
In ways i can't explain
(i was homesick yesterday and my sweatshirt smelled like someone i knew)
I hug and i laugh and i cry
And decide things are meaningful to me
And yet
There are trees growing ever so quiet
Water freezes
(the lake is almost completely frozen over)
Birds and birds and birds fly and sing
(I still don’t know the birds in wisconsin)
A flaming star casts light through the woods
The planet spins from light to dark
(the moon was full last night)
And yet
People starve
They kill one another
Pain reeks like dead bodies
(lord in your mercy, hear our prayer)
We are only briefly breathing
We are so fragile
Skin breaks easy
Our blood seeps out
Us outside of us
Oh the joys of living
Oh the sorrows of dying
Is it not astounding that we
You and i are human
It is all sacred
Fashioned out of the earth
By divine hands
Divine breath in our lungs
A lord over all
The deeper magic
Before time
(there is a lamppost in the snow on the walk to my home)
And yet
He loves us
Quite recklessly
He has died for us
He calls you beloved
He calls me beloved
Rise my child, let us awaken the dawn
(and the earth tips towards the sun, light spilling over the brim and chasing itself through the shadows)