Hello september?
Such a strange month
Whisperings of fall and crisper breezes
But still the lingering stickiness of august
Cicadas in the city of chicago
Scream just as loud as home
Last year memories
Are new and different
Morning circles in trees with strangers
Incarnation/To make flesh
cotta/To bake/ricotta/Twice baked/terra cotta/Earth baked/terra form/Earth formed
Piano piano/Slowly slowly
The ellipses finally led into something
I’m trying to understand where I fit
I want to learn how to ask better questions
Everything is so slow- Why do things take time
I’m trying to understand time- How to use it
There are new parts of me that are coming to life and it’s wonderful
I’m the same person, just unfolding, everything is circling, change like the wind
i’m content
it feels like a lull
things are new
still unfolding in my head
left the window open while i slept
and now the air has an edge;
the crispness of approaching fall
and that makes me happy
tiny sparrows like little herds of sheep, grazing the hills between roads and sidewalks.
herons taking off from the water and leaving the same jet lines as planes.
geese coming curiously close to me and my dropped croissant flakes.
Why is being alone today good and being alone yesterday is bad?
aching for last year, fast friends, predictability, simplicity,
aching for lack of being known where i am
be where your feet are
sit heavy and breathe deep
don’t get lost in your head
A collection- As usual- As expected
Somewhere there is consistency and predictability
Almost a month of being in a new space/ A new season
There is a clear line between roles and obligations
Last year was more blurry
New spaces, becoming familiar
The map filling out in my head
Feeling more settled
I can make my mark, carve out space for myself
I’m not floating anymore
I am here
Presence is such a hard thing but it is the greatest thing you can offer anyone
Here is my presence, my attention, my self angled towards you, my feet rooted on this ground, my head pulled down to my neck, giving into gravity
Gravity, as in weight, gravity as in a pull, gravity as in the thing that makes my roots go down
But leaves go up
Searching for sunlight
The plant on my shelf is curling around itself to get closer to the window
Defying gravity
As we grow in different ways in different spaces, yet always towards the light
A different type of gravity maybe