rotting figs


too many pretty words, i’m sorry they are rotting in my mouth and everything is stale and damp and unsettled

shall i tell it to you plainly

I feel stuck

It’s winter in the north and everything is a gray blur

Why am I here again

Why is there so much grief when I thought this was a beginning

Why do I hurt all over

I’m cold and lonely and I miss you

There are too many trees

Too many skeletons

Do you even care

If my heart beats

Lovergirl where do you hurt

All over

Scraped knees and elbows

Bruises staining my skin

Blue and green and purple

Circles around my eyes

The trees are just somber nuns


I wish I were porcelain

I want to shatter instead of bruise

Entertainment value my friend

Wraps on my wrists

My knuckles bleeding through

Look at me

I’m just tired and sore and angry in a numb way

I’m angry that I’m still here

I’m angry that there are flaws

And I don’t want to fix them

I’m lonely

In the empty way

Will you be with me

In the filling way

Or will you just stand there

And never understand me

And make everyone laugh and make them all want to be your friend

I’m just existing

Bare minimum

Skeleton of a tree

Will you at least call it pretty

Even though it’s rotting inside

Sometimes decomposition is a beautiful thing

How am I supposed to choose joy when I hyperfixate on death

How am I supposed to laugh when I only do it for you to look at me

I’m so tired

So hollow

Moss growing on my insides

Beetles crawling through my veins

Worms eating me out

Oh january

Blur to february

There’s salt behind my eyes

You have to suck them out to get to it

Or just make me cry

Whatever works for you

It doesn’t matter to me

A ghost put lidocaine in my skull

I really can’t feel anything

No trust me its okay

You can hurt me

I won’t feel it

There’s always glue and stitches

But truly

It’s not an inconvenience to me


Cut me open, uncoil my insides, lay me out under your microscopes and sharp eyes

It’s alright if you forget to sterilize your things

Honestly forgo the gloves

Just reach inside of me

I don’t need that bone

I promise I can’t feel anything

Make yourself at home

Tell me that you want me

Maybe I’m lying, but why would you care




home anthology